I found this photo on line on a "random signs" website... and even though their focus of posting was humor it hit me another way...
"Thank you for your suffering"... WOW ... such simple words, yet such deep and full out meaning... REALLY- Think about it- what if we really took the time to not only think those words, but we visualized them, we said them, we POSTED them for all to see.
WHAT IF... we were bold enough to place a sign like this in our yards... at our places of business... in our lockers at school... our sporting events... at our favorite coffee shops... and then when people stopped to look (cause we know they will) we don't brush it off, we are not quick to explain it away or mumble a excuse under our breath... BUT what if we took the time to explain just WHY ... WHY we are thankful for the suffering.. the suffering of the beatings... the Suffering of a mocking crowd... the suffering of a cross.
WHAT IF... we did more then just sing a few songs on Easter Morning? WHAT IF... we lived the message the story from the cradle to the cross every day? WHAT IF... each step we took every day we took boldly? WHAT IF... we actually were bold enough to say...

I want to be bold enough... I want to be Strong enough... I want to EVERY DAY... find a way to THANK HIM for the Suffering...
Because of Him... I live... how about you???